Monday, March 30, 2009

Evil Capitalists Out!

This Wagoner thing is just a another "Shock and Awe" tactic in Obama's Audacity of Slope, as in the slippery slope. I challenge Wagoner to immediately put out a book, or at least a statement, denouncing the tactics of the hard left.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tiger for President!

What a victory for Woods, draining a sixteen footer on the seventy-second hole for a one shot come from behind win. Back in the late 1990's, I firmly believed that Tiger Woods would be the first African American president. Well we know at least that he was born in the United States! It is too bad that this impostor has stolen the show!

Woods would make a much better president than Barak Obama. Why? He understands how competition brings out the best in people. He knows instinctively that people work harder, are more creative, and are more productive when they are presented with an incentive to do so. Woods oversees a large foundation. He understands a bit about business. The boy at the top these days has no such inclination.

I wonder if Tiger Woods has any buyer's remorse for his Obama backing. I understand how easy it would be for him to get sucked in. He knows what it's like to be a ground breaker and a trail blazer. He obviously sees Obama in the historical context of history books yet to be written. This is understandable. But Tiger Please! As the son of a military man, and a great American family, can you yourself see the duplicity of this megalomaniac and his minions?


Tiger just pulled two consecutive balls to the left at Bay Hill. He must have been doubting his Obama resolve.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

C.S. Lewis quote

The quote of C.S. Lewis on page 22 of Liberty and Tyranny is one of the most sobering of all texts. It sheds light on the context of our modern society of political correctness. We have the so-called "victims" of the so-called global warming crisis. We have invented ways, or have had ways invented for us, to allow ourselves to believe that these freedoms we surrender are surrendered for the good of all ...

Have you seen the commercials with the tag line, "There is no such thing as clean coal"? The sheep are really buying this Propaganda!! ... dismissing American ingenuity! ... conveniently leaving out the word "technology" in the term "clean coal technology" Attempting to castrate proven technologies in favor of minor league options and their minimal ROI.

The statists would say something like this: "We believe that the people who do not know how to fix roads are being discriminated against by those who DO know how to fix roads. We will not stand for this inequality. Therefore, road work must be given equally to those who DO and those who DO NOT know how to fix roads."


Pass Around Liberty Project

I picked up my copy of Liberty and Tyranny today. I will soon place a link for those wishing to purchase the book on line. I am already well into the book. I highly recommend it!

As soon as I am done reading it, I will commence the Pass Around Liberty Project ... the PAL project. Here is how it works. Upon reading the last words of the book, I will write on the inside cover, "This is a gift from:" Directly under that statement, I will write my name. I will then offer to give my book away to someone who will promise to read it. There will be only one condition. Upon finishing the last words of the book, the recipient must promise to write their name on the inside cover below mine and pass it on to another person. They too will request that the recipient do the same. I will of course repeat the process several times. It will cost me some money, but I look at it as an investment in my country ... my patriotic duty. I am calling on all patriots to start their own similar campaign.

Try to avoid handing it off to a statist ... they would rather burn the book than pass it on!

Friday, March 27, 2009


I find it both amusing and scary that the country of Macedonia, which is nestled in the Balkans, is advertising on TV in the United States for foreign investment and the relocation of businesses. It boasts a strong infrastructure, educated workforce, and low taxes! Twenty five years ago we would be laughing. We would be wondering if it was some kind of Saturday Night Live comedy skit. But now, this isn't funny. This is scary! By the way, Macedonia has instituted a flat tax of ten percent. That is down from the twelve percent it was a couple of years ago. It appears the United States is going in the exact opposite direction.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Black Cars and Statism

So California wants to ban black cars. Why? A black car absorbs the sun and requires greater air conditioning. Everyone knows (those in sheep mode) that this means global warming. Right? Rush caller then has brilliant observation. Black absorbs heat ... white reflects heat. Let the people absorb the heat at the ground. This will cool the atmosphere. .... but yes ... that's not the point. A government entity is telling the people that they can't own a black car .... STATISM! My new favorite word. Are we willing sheep walking through the wool factory .... fleeced of our liberty ... fleeced of our self-respect ... fleeced of our individual choice.

Levin's new Book

I stopped at my local Borders yesterday to hunt down a copy of Mark Levin's new book Liberty and Tyranny. It was sold out. I put myself on the waiting list. The man in line in front of me was also putting his name on the waiting list. It is good to know that "we the people" are still involved. There is hope. Don't let the media browbeat you into thinking that you are in the minority.

Levin was on Rush yesterday. He presented some fascinating insights on the book. The title of the book was taken from a Lincoln quote. "The world has never had a good definition of the word liberty, and the American people, just now, are much in want of one. We all declare for liberty; but in using the same word we do not all mean the same thing. With some the word liberty may mean for each man to do as he pleases with himself, and the product of his labor; while with others the same word may mean for some men to do as they please with other men, and the product of other men’s labor. Here are two, not only different, but incompatible things, called by the same name—liberty. And it follows that each of the things is, by the respective parties, called by two different and incompatible names—liberty and tyranny."

In the interview Levin did not word things in the standard "liberal" and "conservative" terms. He did however, shed light on the term "statist." These are the folks that want to fire up the "social engineering" monster machine. They don't believe in individual liberty. They believe in the right of the "state" to control the lives of individuals by means of government mandates. This objective has given us FDR's New Deal, Johnson's Great Society and the War on Poverty. Now days, the steel bars of statism appear to be closing down all around us.

Levin also pointed out that the suit Obama wears, the microphone he uses, the car which drives him, the helicopter that flies him, and the telepromter (the thing that fills his mouth with words) he uses, are all the result of CAPITALISM!

I cannot wait to read this book!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A marijuana giggle

Trivisano on WTAM is questioning whether or not Obama's flippant response on 60 Minutes was a "marijuana giggle." I say no. As a professional bartender, I surmise that to be a two to three Bombay Sapphire martini giggle (depending on tolerance, of course). While I have no qualms about social drinking, lifeblood to the bartender that it is, most people exercise their social drinking after the hard work is done! Oh I forgot .... Obama is out of town being an international celebrity. He's on celebrity vacation. Let the party begin!

Where are the outsourcing crybabies

Americans are losing jobs to cheap Chinese condoms.

Barney Rubble

Barney Frank ... what a piece of work! Check this article out.

The angry mob

So now Acorn is receiving a billion plus dollars of taxpayer money to help organize tours of mobs to harass individual taxpayers. Gather the pitchforks and torches. Don't buy this diversion play folks. Billions, and billions, and billions, and billions, and billions, and billions of the TARP money was diverted to foreign banks and Geithners buddies at Goldman Sachs.

But no ... no, no, no, .... let's go after individual citizens and unconstitutionally levy a 90% tax on people that we choose. Break contracts willy nilly at the governments choosing. Humiliate from the top down by skimming off the froth of the perceived excessive. Directly pit the poorest among us against the wealthiest. We of the middle class should find this disgusting to us. This is the man of "hope" and "change." ... laughing and flashing his pearly whites as the government under the surface seeks to take over more and more.

Freedom and Golf

I start this blog on a Tuesday upon reflection of the events of yesterday. I spent Monday tending to the yard and hitting pitch shots in between my stretches of work. I stoked the fire out back, burning the fallen branches of winter. I thought to myself, "It is good to burn a fire in the yard ... incense to the world ... a connection to the ancients." Suddenly an odd thought popped into my head. "I wonder how long before the 'carbon police' come knocking on my door."

All the while I'm listening to Mark Steyn, filling in for Rush. He begins talking about the EU enforcing the flatulence tax on the farmers of its member nations. He paints a brilliant picture of a peasant medieval farmer guffawing when the "kings men" come by to collect a flatulence tax on his goats. His British accent sparks in my mind the images of a Monty Python lampoon. Yet modern society has discarded all common sense and blankly accepts such preposterous ideas. "Oops! I farted ... tax me!"

Now, with the fire roaring, I settle into hitting more golf balls. Suddenly, inspiration overtakes me. I begin to see golf in a whole new light. Allow me to explain. For years I have been authoring goldengolf . The goal was to draw upon, physics, mysticism, neuroscience, philosophy, and aesthetics, to develop a holistic approach to the game I love. Politics never entered into the equation. But now there is a new angle.

The most pleasurable experience a golfer has, no matter his or her level of play, is the occurance of the "pure shot." The pleasure is rooted in the complete freedom he or she experiences in the movement and in the moment. The movement is not strained. Nor is it manufactured. It is in complete harmony with the free will of the golfers intent. The result is a golf shot where the ball jumps off the club face and sails perfectly along the line the player intended. It even has a unique sound! The urge to experience this freedom is therefore the highest goal of the golfer. When the golfer feels this freedom, he intrinsicly understands that the result of this movement will be postive.

Axiom: The urge to be free cannot be separated from the soul of the golfer. The urge to be free cannot be separated from the soul of any individual. The urge to be free is born with us. It is an inalienable right.

As I have said previously, the game of golf is a beacon of democracy, capitalism, and freedom.

The purpose of this blog:

1. Support all Patriots. I will help in any manner for those needing support for Tea Party rallies.

2. Rally the masses for an anti-incumbancy movement. Harry Reid ... OUT! ... Nancy Pelosi ...OUT! ... Barney Frank ... OUT! Chris Dodd ... OUT! Anyone who voted for TARP .... OUT!

3. To help preserve the game of golf for future generations.

4. To reverse the assault on capitalism. Haven't we learned anything from the European experiment? Socialism has never worked! Never! The Pilgrims were almost wiped out because of collectivism. It is antithetical to human nature. There is no reason to believe that suddenly it will work here.

5. To reach out to those dear folks that may be having buyers remorse after last years presidential election. This is not about Republicans and Democrats. This is about the United States of America, the Constitution, Democracy, and Freedom.

The founders of this great nation are rolling in their graves. We the people is a great video.