Thursday, June 25, 2009

Brave New World

I have not posted for a while here.

In the past couple of weeks I have managed to lose my job. It was not totally unexpected. For a while now, I have felt that I was at the end of a solid run. Sometimes the wheel just spins around. For the past couple of weeks I have been ruminating about the opportunities ahead, catching up with old friends, and tapping my network. You would think I would posting more and ranting on about the whole state of the world, the unfairness of it all, etc. But that is not my style. Although the dismissal was for technical reasons, subterfuge lurks below the obvious story. In short, I believe I was released for political reasons. I don't state this with bitterness. I accept the nature of life as it comes. I am geared toward personal responsibility. I'm a realist ... taking twists and turns as they come.

If you are a conservative in need of a quality bartender ... I'm your guy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Barak Obama

Mugabe + Castro + Chavez = Obama