Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Me: I Farted

Monday, April 13, 2009

Henry Waxman

I just caught the end of Tavis Smiley interviewing Henry Waxman. If you are not sure what a "statist" is, read Liberty and Tyranny for information. Then listen to Henry Waxman talk. That will be known as "confirmation."


The best defense for the ACORN agitators is this: "I am here for this protest on my own free will. I am not being compensated for my actions. Are you? Yes you are. Who is paying you to be here? I will tell you. I am paying you to be here ... my tax money is paying for you to be here. The government is using our money to pay you to protect it! You are of the government, by the government, and for the government."

I am really glad Rush brought up the "Beltway Pirates" led by Reid and Pelosi (see sign I posted yesterday). His point was this: While Obama was showing "great leadership" in dealing with pirates looking for a pittance of two million dollars, domestically future generations of Americans are being pirated to the tune of trillions of dollars. He was spot on with that analogy.

I always like to think of a trillion as simply a "million times a million." So now say, "one million millions;" Now say, "Two Million." ... Now you see how big a trillion really is. Try that on a seven year old ... watch him ponder ...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Protest Signs

Below are some of the signs I have created for the protest this Wednesday, April 15th. I will be staging an informal rally at the FREE STAMP in downtown Cleveland, Ohio at 3 PM. From there we will be marching down to Mall C for the main event at 4 PM. Please feel free to stop by and lend your support.

Signs For Our Times

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

He Bowed

Now the White House is hopelessly trying to deny the fact that Obama bowed to the King of Saudi.

This reminds me of the effort of another megalomaniac to appear as an infallible figure. Remember the story of Kim Jong Il's golfing prowess.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Government Out of Control

So the government is refusing to take back the TARP money from the banks. What a scam on the part of this administration! This is an abomination! The true intent of this administration could not be more clear. "We will not take this money back. If we did, then we could not tell you how to run your business!" ... correction! ... should read "dismantle your business." It is a plain and simple thing to see.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Little Golf Talk

Here is a video on alignment. I came up with this idea by chance when a piece of blue sewer pipe rolled into my yard. You see, a new development is going in next to me and the drainage for the residential development runs along my property line. As I started to cut up this piece of drainage pipe to dispose of it, an idea flashed into my mind. The alignment video was born.

Click here for more videos

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The PAL Project

I finished reading my copy of Liberty and Tyranny yesterday. I have promised my copy to an acquaintance of mine. This person agreed to read it on my condition that the book will be passed on to another citizen. I am calling on all conservatives to start their own PAL (Pass Around Liberty) project. I will be ordering ten copies of Liberty and Tyranny. I will keep one and pass out the other nine. I am asking others to do the same.


Cleveland Tea Party

The King and I

So the boy King bows to the King of Saudi Arabia. In terms of protocol, it's repulsive. Barak, you are the presumed head of State! Ahhhhhhhhhhrrgggg. This is the brilliant Harvard Grad!? ... really? .... seriously? ... This is the guy that makes George Bush look like a bumbling idiot? The King of Saudi is the man we are supposed to stop handing money to. "We must wean ourselves from foreign oil," says Obama. Then he bows to him, exposing his neck like a subservient dog.

I guess he puts as much time into prepping for international relations as he does picking out lame brain gifts for the Brits. What a loser!

What's really terrible is the main story. He's giving away the sovereinty of the United States of America to international "regulation."

For the first time in my life I'm embarrassed to be an American. Not really. I just think back to the Michelle "my belle" Obama's remark. Then I throw up a little bit in my mouth.