The best defense for the ACORN agitators is this: "I am here for this protest on my own free will. I am not being compensated for my actions. Are you? Yes you are. Who is paying you to be here? I will tell you. I am paying you to be here ... my tax money is paying for you to be here. The government is using our money to pay you to protect it! You are of the government, by the government, and for the government."
I am really glad Rush brought up the "Beltway Pirates" led by Reid and Pelosi (see sign I posted yesterday). His point was this: While Obama was showing "great leadership" in dealing with pirates looking for a pittance of two million dollars, domestically future generations of Americans are being pirated to the tune of trillions of dollars. He was spot on with that analogy.
I always like to think of a trillion as simply a "million times a million." So now say, "one million millions;" Now say, "Two Million." ... Now you see how big a trillion really is. Try that on a seven year old ... watch him ponder ...