Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sykes: Correcting the record

Before Wanda Sykes wished kidney failure on Rush Limbaugh, she slipped in a dig that was based on a misquote. Trust me, this was not a slip up. This deliberate misquote was just another little piece of the subtle propaganda by the left. Rush Limbaugh did NOT say he "wished failure for the country." Nothing could be farther from the truth. He wishes "Obama to fail" for the success of the country. This nuanced lie by Sykes will be lost on most of the population. But it is duly noted here.

I'm a little behind lately on the news.

Pelosi ..... LOL .... LOL ....LOL

.... listening to her reading her statement ...LOL ...LOL ...LOL. The blinking must be out of control. Ha Ho Ha Ho oooh .....

What a self-serving, duplicitous, lying .... I better stop ... I'm starting to think of others words .... things that only idiots like Perez Hilton post.

David Feherty has to apology for making a very funny joke about this loony toon (representing the true attitude of the military), yet Wanda Sykes get's the free pass on Limbaugh and gets to feed propaganda to the uninformed to boot!

This is what we're up against folks!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Luantic Left

Wanda Sykes and the rest of the lunatic left hate Rush for one reason and one reason only. He exposes their radical, unconstitutional agenda on a daily basis. He does this successfully because he uses the actual words of the radical leftist to expose the radical leftist agenda. No greater example of it was Monday, May 11th, 2009. The last sound byte Rush played was that of the "honorable" Timothy Geithner. To Charlie Rose Mr Geithner made this clear: all the things the treasury is doing is to make sure we "prevent another boom." PREVENT ANOTHER BOOM! Zero growth? Zero expansion? Fewer jobs? Fewer goods? Less food? .... and on and on. I believe Rush saved this one for the end of the show. Why? He wanted to leave the listener with the tome of a ringing bell. Geithner's statement should alert every American. To these radicals, equally spreading misery and poverty is better than disproportionate wealth lifting all boats. Destroy the entreprenurial spirit by forcing all to take the government handout. Obama is throwing down with the Terminator these days ... are you next? ... am I next?

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Great Ennui

The great ennui set in after the tea party. The fervor of the sign making and the energized lead up to the April 15th event sapped a good deal of American patriotic energy. It took a great deal of mine. The shock and awe approach of the Obama Motors Administration dissolved the tea parties in a sea of hypnotically induced media yawns. The MSNBC lunatics made their Tea Bagging jokes. The mainstreamers passed it off as a FOX News organized event. We all know that is BS. Now we can get back to things like watching Drew Peterson in handcuffs talking to the sky. This is the state of ennui that dictators dream of.

This whole media dismissal is actually a crafty and well orchestrated response by the administration.  There was no need for me to break out my ACORN protest sign; there was no ACORN presence. Brilliant move by the opposition! Why call out the big guns? Why show a stiff counter movement? That would have made it more of a media event. We won't see the big guns come out until there are a million people on the Mall in Washington D.C. It is every patriotic American's duty to help put those million people in place, preferably on July 4th.