So the boy King bows to the King of Saudi Arabia. In terms of protocol, it's repulsive. Barak, you are the presumed head of State! Ahhhhhhhhhhrrgggg. This is the brilliant Harvard Grad!? ... really? .... seriously? ... This is the guy that makes George Bush look like a bumbling idiot? The King of Saudi is the man we are supposed to stop handing money to. "We must wean ourselves from foreign oil," says Obama. Then he bows to him, exposing his neck like a subservient dog.
I guess he puts as much time into prepping for international relations as he does picking out lame brain gifts for the Brits. What a loser!
What's really terrible is the main story.
He's giving away the sovereinty of the United States of America to international "regulation."For the first time in my life I'm embarrassed to be an American. Not really. I just think back to the Michelle "my belle" Obama's remark. Then I throw up a little bit in my mouth.