Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Plea

On Monday November 3, the day before the election of 2008, I wrote a letter to one of my best friends. It was my plea to him to reject the leftist agenda of Barack Obama. I am posting this for the public record.


My Friend:

I know it’s a little funny to hear Mr. McCain say “my friends” all the time. You have chided me a bit about it over the last few months. I hope I have taken your ribbing with good humor. He is not the smoothest guy around. I know he likes to hold up his “air quotes”. That’s a little goofy too, I know. I’ll be honest. He hasn’t run a great campaign either. I know you were a Hillary guy. I was more of a Thompson guy. But I’m going to vote for John McCain anyway on Tuesday. I know that you have expressed a preference for Obama. As a fellow red blooded American, I respect your decision. I would never want to lose a great friend over a political issue. This happened to my grandfather and a good friend of his back in the 1930’s. It was an issue and a grudge that they took to their graves. I won’t live like that. You will be my friend no matter what happens this Tuesday.

I think that we became friends because we shared certain core values. It is on that basis that I would like to make a heartfelt plea for you to re-consider your vote.

I know you are an investor and belong to a small investment club. You know me as someone with a strong entrepreneurial streak. We have both made it known to each other that we would like to start our own businesses in the future. So let’s just talk business for a second. Let’s take away the emotion and the “cult of personality.” You know, as an investor, that the goal of a publicly traded company is to produce a product or service in an efficient manner, make a reasonable profit on that product or service, and provide a reasonable return to the everyday people who invest in that company. I would venture to say that your investment club does not look to buy stock in companies that are consistently losing money. There are many costs that a corporation must bear on the way to that profit. There are raw material costs, labor costs, distribution costs, and a host of others. Of course taxation is also one of those costs.

On Halloween day (of all days) Barack Obama, citing the news that Exxon had earned record profits again (22.6 billion), said this to the swooning crowd, “THAT’S YOUR MONEY!” Everyone cheered. I guess everyone at the Obama rally were shareholders in Exxon! … Oh They were not? They were just the general public? Oh, I see. Obama conveniently left out the fact that Exxon also paid out a record in taxes as well (61.7 billion!). They paid out more than two and a half times their net profit in taxes. According to Investor’s Business Daily, “ExxonMobil will pay more taxes this year to the U.S. Treasury than the bottom 50% of all taxpayers – combined.” That is a staggering fact. So let me get this straight. According to Barack Obama, not only do the taxes that Exxon paid belong to the general public, the profits Exxon made also belong to the general public? Outrageous! That is a Halloween story that should scare everyone. The only thing missing is the campfire and smores!

There is nothing more disturbing than the bandit that smiles and speaks softly as he inserts the knife. You think I’m being a bit dramatic. But truly, it isn’t so much socialism I’m fearful of (we have already shamefully leaned toward it); It is the incubation of autocracy that gives me the jitters. With the help of a complicit and possibly filibuster proof congress, Obama represents a veto pen that will never see his fingerprints! This triumvirate of unchecked power will result in an America that would be unrecognizable to the founding fathers. America became the engine of innovation and progress in the world because of the rugged individuals that risked their blood and poured out their sweat to create a better life.

Of course there are a litany of other reasons to say no to Obama.

We already have the second highest capital gains tax in the world. Obama wants to raise it. We have a problem with outsourcing now. If this tax is raised, companies will simply shutter the doors or move to another country altogether. Could you imagine if Coca Cola pulled up its tent stakes and decided to move its headquarter to Ireland (low capital gains taxes there)? Atlanta would be devastated!

He has promised to bring the military into the twenty first century. This means he will essentially weaken it and dismantle our nuclear deterrent. All this as the newly emboldened Russia sends ships to Cuba and Iran defies the world in its race toward the bomb. Obama dreams of a world free of nuclear weapons … How is that for naivete? He and many in congress falsely believe that only the economically disadvantaged volunteer for military service. Out of “fairness” he will likely re-instate the draft or some quasi-military form of community service.

On David Letterman, Obama said that the “Navy Seals are an “elite team” of special forces.” He then added, “We need “elite people” running the government.” What did he mean by that, “a specialist?” What happened to “of the people, by the people, and for the people?”

His radical associations are undeniable. These radical Marxists didn’t just stumble upon him. He sought them out! Don’t deceive yourself. Bill Ayers dedicated his book “Prairie Fire” to political prisoners and named Sirhan Sirhan as one of them. This is the man that assassinated Robert Kennedy! Appalling! I know you were for Hillary. I think that anyone who supported the far more moderate Democrat in the primaries should think about that for a minute before they pull that lever on Tuesday. His association with a former spokesman for the PLO is also very troubling. He spent twenty years listening to a radical America hating preacher. Yet he claims he did not hear those hateful words. He never heard those hateful words, yet in these final days it sounds like he learned the Reverend’s style of preaching. He’s lying, of course. Can we please save the religious fervor for the church?

His middle class tax cut is a hoax (more like an outright lie). Early in his campaign he said you were safe if you made less than $250,000 per year. Then it was $200,000. Then Biden (currently residing in the panic room with a gag in has mouth) spouts out $150,000. For the Obama infomercial it was back to $200,000. Then surrogate Bill Richardson comes up with $120,000. What gives? The message here is that the number is arbitrary. The powers that be will decide whether or not you are “rich.” As wealth gets destroyed under an Obama administration, the definition of “rich” will get lower and lower.

I believe that history tends to repeat itself. Let’s look back at the Great Depression and its primary cause. Most people believe that the stock market crash of 1929 caused the Great Depression. Wrong! The economy was actually recovering a good bit after the crash. The Great Depression really began in late 1931 when Hoover raised the tax rate on people making over $100,000 per year from 20% to 55%. Back then the dollar bought a lot more. Today it would probably take a million dollars to buy the same amount of goods. People that owned businesses simply shuttered them up. “I’m taking my ball home. I don’t want to play anymore.” Let’s not let history repeat.

Then, of course, there is Joe the Plumber. He makes a legitimate point; Obama lets his guard down and reveals his true ideals. What happens next? This everyday American gets impromptu background checks from government computers. There was outrage about the government listening in on international phone calls in the name of national security. Where is the outrage now? Is this going to be the method of operation for an Obama administration? Then we have one of the few media members that refused to drink the Kool-Aid and asked Joe Biden some tough questions. Now that very same media outlet has been cut off from access to the Obama campaign. I guess they won’t be asking any more tough questions about the “dear leader.” Further, the LA Times is suppressing a videotape of Obama’s interactions at a party with the former PLO spokesman Rashid Khalidi. Protecting sources? How about releasing a transcript? Every Jewish voter should take note.

He broke his promise to stick to public campaign financing. This allowed him to take in millions (some from questionable sources) and make a run at buying the election.

His connections to ACORN are undeniable. There are widespread allegations of voter fraud against this organization. He worked closely with this organization and represented them in a lawsuit some years ago.

His connections to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also there. These institutions force-fed easy money to banks in the name of social and economic justice. And Wall Street feasted as well. Now we are supposed to believe that the arsonists should be in charge of putting out the fire. Pathetic! You can’t argue this point. I watched hours of congressional testimony on the irresponsible oversight of these institutions and calls from the present administration to revamp and regulate these two monsters. Why isn’t the media interviewing John Snow?

Obama will likely sign a bill into law (The Employee Free Choice Act H.R. 800 is currently under consideration in congress) that will remove the ability of an employee to keep secret his preference for or against unionization in the workplace. Union leaders will know who wants a union and who doesn’t. No secret ballot! Can you say “knuckle sandwich” out back by the Dumpster?

He will likely roll back your legal right to own a gun. He will probably save that one for later or choose the “slow erosion” of rights technique. Nevertheless, this will leave the illegal guns in the hands of the thugs. Not good.

Finally, Obama believes that the constitution is a document of negative rights. He wants to change that. He says that the constitution expresses what the government cannot do to you. He wants to change that and spell out what the government must do for you.

When you put all this together, it is the duty of every sane individual to say no to the radical leftist agenda of Barack Obama.

That is my plea.

Your friend always,


P.S. When the bloom falls off the rose, you are left with the thorns.


AKA: Jeff “the bartender”

Update: The “Creepy” factor is starting to kick in hard. I live in the Cleveland Area. I just watched Mr.“Senator Government” pontificating on TV. He looked preachy and autocratic. He only smiled with glibness, in response to his own well turned phrase. He had to egg on the crowd when they didn’t quite seem to cheer loud enough. The crowd got louder, but only in that “yeah!!!, yeah!!, yeah!? … I think I’m excited, but I’m feeling some doubt in the pit of my stomach.” The masses are starting to scratch their heads. He tried to hide the fact that he had to look at a crib note to remember the names of Bruce Springsteen’s family members. I wasn’t put off that he had to read the names, It’s the fact that he tried to appear that he wasn’t reading. The real Obama is tipping his hand. McCain really needs to hit Obama hard on the Exxon record tax and his comment that, “It’s your money.” Even if he didn’t mean it in the confiscatory fashion, it is still not their money. It’s money that they traded for a product.

Must see this video!!!

Every good dictator needs a "goon squad!"

Must hear audio!!

…. And he wants to bankrupt the coal industry!!!!!