Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Final Obama Rally Before The November Election

I infiltrated this rally with another Tea Party favorable acquaintance. I didn't make an ass out of myself ... I'm above that. Here is a link to the full post on fishypeech.

On the way to the rally I was walking by Carl Monday of Action19 news. His mike was down and he was kind of perusing the crowd. I walked by with my "enough" sign and was showing a good bit of vigor. He came up to me, with the camera rolling, and started to interview me. He asked, "What do you think of the fact that when Obama came to Cleveland during his campaign, he racked up $40,000.00 in extra security costs to the city of Cleveland and has yet to reimburse the city." I said something like "that's very typical" .... "what about flying his entourage all over the world, renting out every room in the Taj Mahal hotel ... vacation after vacation ... constantly golfing! ... and what about golf? ... I've never seen the guy swing ... what is he? Kim Jong Il? ... shows us your scorecard Obama!" OK I'll admit, I went a bit off the rails.there. There is video out there of Obama swinging the club. But my point was this: He is exhibiting every telltale sign of an elitist authoritarian. At least Clinton admitted that he was a perpetual stroke shaver. Obama protects his personal image like a thin skinned dictator. The golf point is an example of just one of many manifestations of the elitist attitude. With the city of Cleveland, it is the same thing. It's as if Obama is saying, "The city of Cleveland should be honored that I am gracing it with my presence. Someone else will pick up the tab."

I see Obama as a mini Chavez. I was a bit fired up when I read that Chavez wants to confiscate golf courses in Venezuela and turn them into (so-called) better use. Sure Chavez, just destroy the game of golf like the Taliban destroys ancient Buddhist statues in Afganistan. What a tool! Hey folks ... Chavez is the model! Do we want to be Venezuela? Do we want to be France right now? I don't think so.